Empowering Early Action
Investing in early preparedness and rapid response
The impact of disasters can be mitigated through a combination of preparedness and response efforts including early action.

The world is witnessing an alarming escalation in emergencies and protracted crises, conflict, the global climate emergency and many others. Disasters, whether natural or man-made, can have devastating consequences, but their impact can be mitigated through a combination of preparedness and response efforts including early action.
According to the IASC (Inter-Agency Standing Committee) by initiating early action before a disaster, the amount of time saved responding to a disaster is on average is 10 days and the cost savings are over 200%. So, for every $1 invested in disaster risk reduction this can lead to a saving of $15 in recovery (UNDRR).
Therefore, Plan International is maximising cost efficiencies and increasing speed in response by prioritising early action in our programme countries.
Since we set up the early action fund in 2021, 30 country offices have accessed funding to take early action. This has helped protect people from the severe impact of cyclones, floods, conflict and hunger. So far, 2.3 million Euros have been used to take early action which has provided support to about 1 million people.
Scaling up humanitarian response is a global priority for Plan International. This publication presents an overview of our early action fund: its coverage and impact, the key early actions funded, key areas that have mobilised resources for early actions and preparedness, and the experiences of beneficiary communities.
Please download the publication below for more about the Early Action Fund.
Early Action Fund
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